How You Speak To Yourself Matters...
Did you know as individuals we have the power to transform the way we think, act and ultimately shape our future?
How many times have you held yourself back from shooting for the stars or pursuing your dreams? This is all down to the narrative you tell yourself. You have the power to change, grow, evolve and achieve your goals, but the way you speak to yourself has more of an impact on this than you think. Our inner dialogue and the thousands and thousands of thoughts that run through our head everyday define our mindset and shape our perception and outlook on life. They ultimately harness the power to create our reality. If you can master your thoughts, you can master your life...
If you are constantly telling yourself that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, qualified enough, why would you put yourself forward for that promotion in work? On the flip side... if you truly master your inner thoughts and beliefs by constantly affirming that you are enough, imagine everything you would strive for? Imagine everything you would achieve?
The goal is to rewire the limited thoughts and beliefs that are already sitting in your subconscious mind by replacing them with better, more empowering beliefs that have the power to shape your life.
Rewiring your brain is a challenge, it’s not easy, but it is one of the most powerful and rewarding changes you can make for yourself. YOU can unleash your inner superpower. Everything you desire is within reach; it is all within YOU.
Limiting beliefs... what are they?
It is not possible for all thoughts to be good thoughts, we are all human and of course some negative thoughts will seep in there... but we do have the power to release those thoughts that no longer serve us.
Harbouring limiting beliefs can prevent you from developing healthy relationships, pursuing your goals or making that change in your life that you know would lead to a happier, healthier and more empowered version of you. Many of us hold multiple limiting beliefs which often stem from past experiences, societal conditioning or even internal beliefs about ourselves and our character. They become so ingrained in our mind that they begin to seep into our daily behaviours and actions, holding us back one belief at a time.
The words we choose to speak and affirm to ourselves can either be a catalyst for growth and change, or a block preventing us from moving forward with our life and achieving greatness. It is up to you to ensure the majority of words we repeat to ourselves daily are that of motivation, empowerment and encouragement.
Think of it like this: if you previously had a tough financial period where you found yourself under financial strain and pressure, you may have said words and phrases such as “I am broke” or “I have no money”... what you are actually doing by saying this is affirming that there is not enough money to go around. These beliefs and affirmations act as invisible chains, holding us back from our full potential... you will never attract more money when you hold this belief!
Once you hold these internal limiting beliefs you will subconsciously begin to externalise them. This is how you present yourself to the world...
The Power of Positive Affirmations...
The good news? You actually have the power to change your internal dialogue through positive affirmations!
An affirmation is a phrase you repeat over and over again until it becomes a belief. It is a series of empowering words, designed to seep into your subconscious and influence your thoughts, feelings and actions.
Think of it like this:
Imagine you spoke to yourself using words and phrases such as “I am capable”, “I am enough”, “I am worthy of success”... How much more empowered would you feel?
Ask yourself right now: what have I held myself back from recently?
It could be as simple as not sharing an idea you had... Why? What belief held you back?
By identifying and challenging limiting beliefs, embracing positive affirmations and being compassionate with ourselves, we unlock the power within us to create our dream life, the life we desire.
Steps you can take to affirm positive affirmations:
Identify all of the current limiting beliefs you hold – it's likely you have a mix of both empowering beliefs that influence your life in a positive way and some limiting ones too!
Replace these limiting beliefs with an uplifting and empowering positive affirmation. For example: “I am too young to be a manager” becomes “I am capable and have the required skills to be a good manager”.
- Practice, practice, practice! The more you repeat these positive affirmations, the quicker it will become a belief... which as we know becomes an action!
Habit Stack! We recommend practicing your affirmations at a designated time.
Reaffirming these ingrained beliefs is a challenge and an ongoing process... for Week Two of The Seeds of Growth Challenge we have developed exercises and tips for you to rid yourself of these unhelpful, limiting beliefs and replace them with positive affirmations guaranteed to propel you towards success and ultimate happiness.
Sign-up here to receive your FREE PDF and get ready to embark on a 5-week transformative journey like never before...
What are you waiting for? Let’s grow together...
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