How To Manifest Your Goals

What is manifestation?
Our friend Roxie Nafousi defines manifesting as “using the power of your mind to change and create the reality you experience," She describes it as a self-development practice, one that combines science, philosophy and wisdom. She says, “it is a way of living”.
The misconceptions…
The term manifesting can get bad press and people either opt to ‘believe’ or not. At The Head Plan, we like to think of manifesting as a tool to help us achieve our goals with more ease.
Manifesting is a co-creative process. That means you don’t just think about what you want: you’ve got some work to do by taking consistent action towards your goals. Your thoughts and feelings create your life, but action is the magic ingredient that makes it all happen.
We hope our process helps you discover yours…
The Head Plan Steps to manifesting your goals…
1.Get crystal clear on what you want
This step is important. Give yourself plenty of time to really think about what you want and remember that everything is attainable. Sometimes when people set goals, they play small because they don’t believe the bigger stuff is possible for them. Allow yourself to believe in the big goals and dreams because they really are attainable, and you deserve to have what you want.
Be super specific but open. For example: “I want a new house” – this is not enough.
You would need to say, “I want a new house, by the sea, with 4 bedrooms, a spacious garden that I can grow flowers and big bright windows…” and so on.
If you do not know the specifics of what you want, think about how you want to feel.
The explainer pages in our best-selling Productivity & Wellness Journal help you to define what you really want and plan for your future with ease.
2.Write it down
Our tag line at The Head Plan is
‘Write it Down and Make it Happen!’
Make your manifestations official. As if you are ordering them from the catalogue of life.
It is scientifically proven that writing down your goals makes it more likely that you’ll achieve them. The process of writing it down stimulates a part of the brain known as the Reticular Activating System or RAS. The RAS is responsible for sorting and prioritising and so when we give it a goal to focus on its constantly on the lookout for things related to that goal. This is why this is a huge focus in our first journal, the Productivity & Wellness Journal.
It is all about keeping your goals at the front of your mind, believing it is possible and noticing inspired ideas and opportunities for progress.
3.Align your actions
Law Of Attraction is the belief that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. Evidence of this is all around us. We are all part of one big energy field; you are made of energy, the chair you are sitting on right now is energy, your emotions, and the things you are focusing on are energy too. Like attracts like.
To achieve your goal of attracting a new partner who loves reading, the outdoors and travel you need to embody these characteristics and take action to ‘show’ the Universe that you are aligned.
It might sound ‘woo woo’ but it works, trust us!!
Follow inspiration when it strikes and take daily steps that move you forward. It’s not just about thinking positive and focusing on your goals, you need to take inspired action.
Author and manifestation expert Gabby Bernstein put it like this: “Every thought you have is a message you send to the Universe. The Universe is always saying YES to your thoughts, energy, and emotions. Therefore, what you put out you will receive back—whether you want it or not.”
4.Practice Gratitude
Gratitude amplifies your manifesting powers.
It puts you in the frequency of receiving your goals, it is a beautiful way to boost your mood and elevate your energy. From a neuroscientific standpoint, doing this can strengthen your neural pathways and help you foster a more permanent positive nature.
If you are not grateful for what you have, how can you expect to receive more?
Keep a Gratitude Journal and write down what you’re grateful for first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Make it a habit.
5.Let go of any limiting beliefs
If you do not believe it, you will not achieve it…not easily anyway.
It makes sense when you think about it, how can you expect to manifest something when you do not believe you are deserving of it? If you do not really believe it is possible?
If we do not believe it we energetically blocking the flow of possibilities with our negative beliefs.
Our realities are created by our beliefs and our subconscious beliefs at that!
To avoid this, we suggest identifying your limiting beliefs first through awareness and journaling, and then changing them through affirmations. Repeated often enough, affirmations have the power to rewire the beliefs that live in our subconscious mind.
Be kind and gentle with yourself, this is a crucial step.
6.Protect your energy
Everyone feels out of sorts every now and again, it is normal and bad days are inevitable. The good news is that your mind, although incredible, believes everything you tell it. No matter if you have facts to back it up or not.
So, it is always within your power to shift your energy and feel better bit by bit by focusing on the next best feeling, thought, or by doing activities you really enjoy. Think dancing around the kitchen to your favourite song, watching your favourite movie, or getting out for a walk by the sea.
Protecting your energy is paramount, pay attention to what doesn’t feel good. Try to stay away from low vibrations, think gossip, scrolling on Instagram, eating bad foods, spending time with negative people etc. Your energy is precious and low vibes can drag you down. Control the controllable.
Match the vibration of your goals like it is your full-time job and choose to feel good in any moment that you can.
7.Be flexible and trust the process
We always advise being flexible. Trusting that everything is working out for your greatest good will really help you to foster a more relaxed approach to manifestation. When you surrender and let go, your manifestations come to you more quickly.
This can be difficult, especially when step one is to be specific.
We like to think about it like this:
Your goal is to get a new job that you love, one where you are excited to start each day, you have flexible hours, the office is close by your home, you have a salary of €50k with great benefits and lovely work colleagues. If you hold onto this goal too tightly you are sending signals to the universe that you want this and only this. Thinking about it too much can also come across as being afraid that it won’t happen for you.
Trusting the process and having flexibility involves writing down exactly what you want, while also being open to something better. Let go and trust that the Universe is conspiring for your greater good. Your dreams are loading, and they could be EVEN better than you thought possible.
Maybe, a company abroad wants you on their team, they are going to pay for you to move and fund an apartment for you by the beach, you get paid €70K and meet the love of your life!
ANYTHING is possible, letting go and trusting this is the fairy dust!
There are many ways people manifest. We hope you found inspiration in The Head Plan’s steps to manifesting your goals.
Now it is over to you!
Want to set and achieve your goals once and for all? We have a FREE PDF preview of The Head Plan Productivity & Wellness Journal available to download today. It is one week's worth of journal pages along with more guidance on how to set your goals.
We are so excited for you to;
Write it down and make it happen.