The Roxie Nafousi Self-Love Bundle

€50,00 Regular price €65,00

It’s time you embrace everything you already are, you owe it to yourself to finally realise your worth, know that you are deserving of all the love, success and happiness the worth has to offer.

Become the person you’ve always wanted to be, we will be with you every step of the way with The Self-Love Bundle - including the Journal & The Mantras, 2 life-changing products created by best-selling author and queen of Manifesting, Roxie Nafousi in collaboration with The Head Plan.

Designed for you to learn how to believe in yourself and discover self-empowerment.

The Journal - A 12-week journaling programme to self-love and empowerment created by Roxie Nafousi. This Journal is like having Roxie Nafousi with you each and every day, guiding you on a journey inward, through self-discovery, and ultimately leading you to a more fulfilled empowering life where you are free to be the best version of yourself.

• The Mantras – A deck of 52 Mantra Cards designed by Roxie Nafousi to help you change your mindset, increase self-esteem, boost your manifesting powers and raise your vibrations. Mantras are a powerful self-development tool that help to remind you how wonderfully powerful you really are.

The Head Plan - Roxie Nafousi - The Journal - What's Inside

The Journal

How many times have you felt like you weren't enough? How often has that inner critic halted your steps towards the dreams you cherish? Now, silence that self-doubt and step into your power with "The Journal by Roxie Nafousi and The Head Plan."

This isn't just a journal; it's a meticulously curated 12-week guided program by renowned self-development coach and manifestation expert, Roxie Nafousi. Designed to reshape your self-perception, this journal empowers you to view yourself through the adoring eyes of those who cherish you the most.

Rediscover yourself, reimagine your potential, and reignite your passion for life. With "The Journal by Roxie Nafousi and The Head Plan," you're not just writing entries, but scripting a newer, brighter chapter of your life. Begin your transformative journey today

The Mantras

A mantra is a positive statement repeated out loud or in your head that has the power to rewire your subconscious mind and transform your entire life. They are scientifically proven to shift your worldview, help you embrace a new and empowering relationship with yourself, and establish the confidence and self-belief you need to succeed.

With hand-picked mantras like ‘I am magnificent’ and ‘My self-belief is my superpower’, this lovingly curated deck of cards ensures there’s nothing you cannot have, be or do. It silences your inner critic and rewires your neural pathways for success.

Getting started couldn’t be easier. Simply shuffle the deck, intuitively pick a card, and repeat your mantra five times to begin rewiring the fear-based beliefs that are stuck in your subconscious.

The Bundle Benefits

  • Harness Self-Love: Unlock resilience and belief through scientifically-backed self-love practices, dispelling self-doubt and judgment.
  • Discover Your Essence: Delve deep into your unique traits and talents, identifying pivotal moments that shape your identity.
  • Visualise Your Ideal Life: Define and move towards the life you've always desired, leveraging your innate strengths.
  • Overcome Barriers with Roxie: Break free from limiting beliefs, with Roxie's guidance, making every aspiration attainable.
  • Silence Your Inner Critic: With hand-picked mantras like ‘I am magnificent’ and ‘My self-belief is my superpower’, this lovingly curated deck of cards ensures there’s nothing you cannot have, be or do.

It's Time To Step Into Your Power

Download Your FREE Preview

Download your FREE PDF preview of 'The Journal by Roxie Nafousi' and embark on your journey to self-love and empowerment right away. This isn't just any journal; it's a transformative experience crafted by Roxie Nafousi.

Seize the chance to initiate 'Week 1' of the 12-week manifestation journey. Dive into the inaugural exercise on 'Awareness', introspect with Roxie Nafousi's 4 core headings, and harness a week's worth of daily pages to manifest control over your life from this moment.