A Step-By-Step Guide To Getting Back Into A Routine After Summer

As the evening sun begins to dwindle, the airport quietens down and the crisp autumn air makes its first appearance, September often has a similar feeling to that of a New Year. With the return of the morning school traffic and the newfound post-holiday motivation, it’s time to re-focus and re-establish the habits that enable you to thrive! Whether you spent the summer travelling and enjoying new experiences, enjoying walks with friends in the evening sun or simply slowing down and creating new memories with your loved ones, returning to your structure and busier days can often feel like a difficult and daunting transition. But, equipped with the right tools and practices, you can begin to set the tone for a productive, fulfilling and enjoyable season ahead. So... here is how you are going to make your return to normality all that easier and more enjoyable.
NOW is the perfect time to reassess your priorities, reflect on the past few months and gain crystal clear clarity on what is most important to you. As you enter an often-busier work and life season with increased Christmas social activities and tighter deadlines, finding a strong work-life balance can often feel like a challenge. The evenings are darker, the weather is colder, and the warmth of your couch feels even more inviting, so what had previously been an evening walk to unwind and catch-up with a friend becomes much harder to navigate.
Use this time to reflect on the moments over the past few months when you felt most at peace or at your happiest. Consider your highlights - maybe it was completing that work project you worked hard on, the family dinner that took a month to organise or even a quick coffee with a friend where your schedules managed to align for half an hour. Whatever it was, it’s time to figure out how you can incorporate elements of these activities into your weekly schedule in the busier months. Did you really enjoy swimming while on holidays? Maybe you could go to a nearby swimming centre on a Sunday morning? Did you find solitude in the slow, brighter mornings? Think of ways you can take these newfound interests into the next few months, aligning with your goals.
Reflect on your recent habits, what served you and what held you back? Now is the time to re-evaluate your habits as you progress into the next few months.
Revisit your Goals
As you return to your routine, it’s the perfect time to revisit the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year. As you grow and evolve, your goals often change with you. Are you still actively working towards the same goals, or do you need to adjust your vision? Ensure you are intentionally aligning your actions everyday to propel you towards achieving your
goals. Whether your goals are personal or professional related, review each step required to make sure they still align with the future you are creating for yourself.
Revise the goals you set for yourself in The Head Plan Journal at the beginning of the year... Reflect on the progress you have made, the obstacles you have overcome and the challenges you have faced. Every week, set weekly goals that intentionally align your actions to your end vision. Remember, goal-setting and goal-getting is an ever-changing process, allow it to change with you. Stay connected with yourself and continue to move forward with intention, propelling you towards your version of success.
Re-focus and establish your habits
Coming back from a holiday and returning to work and your normal home commitments can often be met with feelings of anxiety and overwhelm as you step back into your reality after a break. One thing to remember is a good day begins and ends with a good ritual.
YOU are in control of how you spend your mornings and how you choose to show up for everyone else throughout the day. You cannot show up for everyone else if you don’t make the time to show up for yourself!
Developing a morning ritual helps you find the habits and routines that encourage you to begin the day feeling calm, motivated and in control, while an evening ritual can aid in unwinding, regaining focus and relaxing. Use the space provided in The Head Plan Journal of your Gratitude Journal to create your very own rituals!
Some habits we like to include in our morning rituals are practicing affirmations, meditation, practicing gratitude and prioritising nourish with a healthy breakfast. Before you go to sleep take the time to ditch the doom scroll and read something inspiring, reflect on your highest point of the day in The Head Plan Gratitude Journal and practice visualisation.
A cluttered environment leads to a cluttered mind... and we all know how overwhelming this can feel! The cleaner your environment is, the calmer your mind will be... and vice versa! As you work on creating new habits and refocusing on exisiting habits, dedicate some time to clearing out that drawer where clutter keeps appearing.
Doing a camera roll clear-out is another great way to declutter your mind. We all know the feeling of snap, snap, snapping away throughout the summer, and then when we look back we realise there are 20 of the same photos! Delete any photos that don’t hold any purpose or meaning to you, ensuring your camera roll is a place full of positive memories for you to look back on.
Clear out anything in your home, car or at your office desk that no longer serves you. Be brutal with this! Organise your space in a way that promotes focus, efficiency and inspiration.
Decluttering creates a sense of control, peace and order, making it easier to focus on the task at hand, removing all distractions. It also creates more time in the morning and evenings as there is less cleaning up to do!
Plan Plan Plan
Overwhelm and anxiety stems from a lack of control or feeling unorganised. To reduce these feelings, prioritise getting super organised!
Planning is one of the most efficient tools you can use to regain control of your routine.
Returning from annual leave or re-entering a busier work period after a summer lull often leads to a million and one things on your to-do list... with no idea where to begin.
The first thing you need to do is take out your agenda and write your master to-do list. Then, you can break this down and put it in order of your top priorities... but the first step is putting pen to paper!
A few other quick ticks that will make your day that little bit easier include...
- Planning your outfit the night before. Leave out your whole outfit in the evening (even including your socks!) so you have one less thing to think about in the morning. This will alleviate any last-minute stress in the morning, and it’s also a fun unwinding activity in the evening! Get creative planning your outfits and take inspiration from your favourite people online.
- Plan your meals in advance in The Head Plan Nourish and meal prep your lunch or make a larger dinner portion, so you have leftovers for work the next day. Use this newfound motivation to prioritise your nourishment and set dedicated time to plan out your weekly meals and your shopping list.
- Plan your day the night before in The Head Plan Journal so you can narrow your focus and ensure you are going about your day in alignment with your goals.
Getting back into routine doesn’t have to feel like an overwhelming and daunting task, it should be a fun and enjoyable experience. Reframe your mind to practice gratitude and acknowledge how fortunate you are to create your habits and rituals.
Take it slow... Rome wasn’t built in a day! Slowly start incorporating the habits you need to embody to become the person you have always wanted to be. Everything you have ever wanted is right in-front of you, it’s time to reach out and grab it as you
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