An Olympic Frame of Mind: How To Embody The Mindset Of An Olympian

It’s safe to say the entire world has been enthralled by the recent Olympic Games in Paris. With over 10,000 athletes competing in this year's games, although their talents and skill may vary, the one thing that they all have in common is their unwavering determination and growth mindset. The Olympic mindset is more than physical skill, it's a testament to the true power of mental discipline and focus. Many athletes encompass a myriad of holistic tools and practices before, during and after the pinnacle of their career, ensuring they show up as the best version of themselves every single day. Often you see the sweat, blood and tears that it has taken to reach this destination in their athletic career, but the invisible tool all athletes possess is their mindset.
If you’re reading this blog post, you might be familiar with The Head Plan and our recommended practices including journaling, visualisation, positive affirmations, and manifesting... but have you ever wondered which of these actually work? Well, according to Olympian athletes, all of them! You might be thinking... how does this apply to my everyday life? I’m not an Olympian athlete, the extent of my daily exercise is my morning walk... well, this mindset is applicable to all areas of your life and will aid in achieving success. Whether you are looking to excel in your career, build your side hustle or achieve a big life goal, adopting this goal-getter mindset is sure to enable you to THRIVE!
Let’s break down the Olympic mindset...
1. Writing it Down
Nicola Olyslagers captivated audiences in the women’s high jump in the Olympics, and after every jump she was seen writing in her journal. The question arose of ‘what is Nicola writing in her journal?’... and it turns out after every jump she would quickly jot down any technical advice, a motivational quote and a personal reflection.
Her coach of 14 years, Matt Horsell, shared how her journaling habit was a pinnacle moment in her journey - "Writing each time she jumped a bar allowed Nicola to zone off and go, ‘What do I need to work on?’ rather than get carried away by the emotion". Using a Blank Journal to do a deep reflection and leave any important reminders for yourself is sure to propel you towards success as you begin to realise exactly what you need to do the next time to become even better.
Anna Hall, American athlete, can also be found writing in her journal and documenting her progress as she competes... just moments before qualifying for her first Olympic Games at the 2024 US Trials, she wrote powerful affirmations including “This is my event, my title, my spot. I’m gonna take it” and “I’ve done everything I could possibly do to get here. Now it’s time to have fun.” "Today I will become an Olympian," in her journal... and she did just that!
The exciting thing about journaling and writing it down is that it is so personal to you and there is no rule book to follow! Your journal becomes your safe space, your personal guide and your blueprint.
But the benefits of journaling extend far beyond the Olympic Games. It's a practice that anyone in any field can adopt to navigate their own path to success. Whether you are journaling for goal-setting in The Head Plan Journal or decide to take a less-guided approach to journaling in The Head Plan Blank Journal, the results remain the same... writing it down aids you in making it happen.
2. SMART Goals
It is rare for an athlete to train without a clear vision and meaningful goals in mind, actively aligning their actions towards the bigger picture. Setting SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based) goals allows you to transform your wildest dreams into achievable action plans. This is a crucial step in achieving success beyond your imagination and is applicable to you in your everyday life. Right now, take out your Head Plan Journal... reflect and revise your current goals and get started on your action plan.
At just 8 years old, Michael Phelps wrote down his goals... at the top he wrote “I would like to make the Olympics”. Not only did Phelps, who was coined “the most goal-orientated person on the planet” by his coach Bob Bowman, make the Olympics, but he went onto win 28 Olympic medals.
Below is the picture of Phelps’ goals aged 8... Notice anything? Not only has he set his goals, but he has created an action plan, intentionally aligning his actions... this is guaranteed to set him apart from the troops. Even at such a young age he knew simply having a goal wasn’t enough, he needed to write it down & make it happen.
3. Positive affirmations
Recently, Valerie Allman, an Olympic gold medalist, went viral after sharing the exact affirmations she recited moments before her gold-medal win: “I am capable of winning. I deserve to win. I will win”.
How you speak to yourself matters, the words your brain replays before you go to sleep matter, the thoughts you have throughout the day when things don’t go your way matter. The meaning behind this is simple, if you deep down believe you are a talented and valuable professional, you are unlikely to take criticism personally. This is applicable to all walks of life... the more secure you feel within yourself, the more likely you are to put yourself forward for opportunities and the less likely you are to take things to heart. The simple way to do this is by affirming to yourself everyday. Affirmations help reprogram your subconscious mind, replacing negative thoughts with empowering and uplifting ones, encouraging you to speak your hopes and dreams into existence.
Choose affirmations that align with your goals and values, use The Head Plan Mirror Markers to write your affirmation on the mirror everyday as your reminder, and repeat it as often as necessary with serious conviction! Do this ESPECIALLY when you don’t feel like it.
- Want to make affirmations an easy, consistent habit? Every morning, at 8am, The Head Plan Community App sends your affirmation of the day straight to your phone!
4. Visualisation
Visualisation is the most powerful process to bring your goals to reality. Through visualisation, you can create powerful mental images for your biggest goals and achievements that are yet to happen. All you need to do is find a quiet space, close your eyes and start imagining the moment you achieve the goal you have been working towards. How do you feel? What sounds can you hear? Picture it as if it is currently happening, and allow the positive vibrations associated with this goal to flow through your body. This technique is not just about seeing the vision in your mind, it is about immersing yourself in the experience and engaging all of your senses.
In the lead up to key moments in their athletic career, Olympians will engage with visualisation to imagine themselves completing their event perfectly, exactly how they would like it to go. They will feel themselves running the fastest they ever have and winning the medal they have always wanted, or reaching the highest point in the High Jump... they see it, they feel it and they embody it. When you mentally rehearse a scenario, your brain responds as if you are actually completing the event, strengthening the neural pathways associated with the skills and habits needed to succeed. Visualisation also reduces anxiety in the lead up to a specific event as it familiarises your brain with the situation. Although you won’t be able to account for last minute changes or things out of your control on the day, it will encourage you to stay focused and not allow outside factors to determine your result. Do it! Pick a key moment or event you are currently working towards and take the time to visual the full experience, picture yourself succeeding, overcoming challenges with ease and feeling fully confident. If this is a new phenomenon for you, it might help to engage in a guided visualisation, where you will be prompted throughout.
5. Manifesting
Manifestation. Previously this word was often followed by an eye roll... but in recent years with extensive development and research, you will come to find that the most successful people in the world have mastered the tool of manifesting. Manifesting is not just squeezing your eyes shut, picturing a static photo of your dream house and expecting your fairy godmother to wave her wand and your dream house appears, it is a skill that must be practiced regularly in order for you to reap the rewards. To put it simply, manifesting is the process of creating, creating your dream life. It is the process of bringing your goals to reality with focused intention and action. It’s the magical moment when everything you have been working towards comes to life without resistance. Roxie Nafousi (Forbes ‘queen of manifesting’!) details the process of manifesting in her best-selling books and explains exactly how to live the life you have always wanted. You can shop The Head Plan x Roxie Nafousi Collection here and explore the tools to aid your manifesting journey. As the Olympian atheletes have, it’s time to put your deepest goals into the universe, align your actions and make it happen.
To go one step further, and a step we know is imperative in this journey, it’s time to begin or revise your visionboard. At the beginning of The Head Plan Journal there is space for you to get crystal clear clarity on your vision and create your very own visionboard.
The mindset of an Olympian is not reserved solely for elite athletes, it is a powerful framework that can be applied to any career and any area of life, whether you are striving for professional success, personal growth or working towards a significant life goal. While the infamous athletes we admire dedicate their life to mastering their craft, by embracing the tools and practices including setting SMART goals, positive affirmations, journaling, visualisation and manifesting you too can cultivate an Olympian mindset and set yourself up for success. These tools will help you discover your biggest life goals, align your actions to your intentions and stay motivated even in the face of challenges. As you embark on your own journey, remember that the key to thriving is right within you. Cultivate your Olympian mindset and watch as your goals become a reality and you begin living with the same level of purpose as an Olympic athlete. Start today, start now... you can
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