Beating the Sunday Scaries: A Wellness Guide to Starting Your Week Right

Do you feel like there's a knot in your stomach every Sunday just thinking about the workweek ahead?
If you find yourself dreading Mondays, trust us, you're not alone. The good news is that you can conquer the 'Sunday Scaries,' here are a few of our suggestions...
1. Reflection
Before delving into a new week, take a moment to reflect. Time ticks by, weeks pass and we move with them, we believe there is immense power in acknowledging this movement. Take the time to reflect regularly on how you are doing and how your week went. Take 20 minutes to sit with your Head Plan Journal or similar, write down your lessons, what you are grateful for, your high moments and anything noteworthy from the week past that you want to apply to the week ahead. This gives perspective, boosts your mood, and sets you up to continue to move forward each week.
2. Planning
One of the most effective ways to combat the 'Sunday Scaries' is to plan your week ahead. Take out your journal and write down all your to-do's, appointments, plans and goals for the week ahead. A well-structured plan will give you a sense of control and purpose, reducing anxiety about the week ahead.
3. Self-Care Rituals
Sundays are the perfect opportunity to practice self-care. Whether it's taking a long bath, meditating, or doing yoga, make sure to set aside time for relaxation and rest. Self-care not only eases anxiety but also prepares you for the week. Take care of you.
4. Journal
Free writing in your journal is one for the most powerful things you can do for your mood and mindset. We encourage you to get pen to paper and write down what you are scared or worried about. Get the 'Sunday Scaries' out of your head and look at them face on, ask yourself a few questions; "Are these thoughts useful?" "Are they true?" "Have I faced anything similar before?" "What would I say to a friend who was feeling this way?"
5. Disconnect (Online)
Firstly, set boundaries by disconnecting from work-related emails and tasks on Sunday evening. This will help you create a clear separation between your personal time and work, allowing you to really unwind and recharge.
Affirm: 'This can wait until tomorrow, I need to recharge'
Secondly, we advise time offline, avoid social media and aimless scrolling. When you are experiencing 'Sunday Scaries' seeing other people enjoying their Sundays seemingly 'care-free' will not benefit you at this time. Take care of you and take no notice of others.
6. Preparation
If you can, take a few minutes to organise your workspace on Sunday. A clean and organised work environment can make the transition to Mondays run smoother and more pleasant. Set up your at home station or pack your work bag. Set out your clothes, prepare your breakfast and lunch. It might help to write your to-do list if you have things on your mind.
Note: If you do this set a 15 min timer, do not spend more time than this on work-related tasks.
7. Visualisation
Spend some time visualising a successful and enjoyable week. Positive visualisation can help reduce anxiety and increase your motivation to face the week with confidence. Play a meditation or some relaxing music, become aware of your breathing and imagine your Monday from start to finish. Imagine how your day will look through rose tinted glasses, imagine everything working out better than expected. Think positive, smile and be grateful. Believe this is possible for you, because it is.
Affirm: 'Everything will be better than expected'
8. Gratitude
Consider starting a Gratitude Journal. Gratitude is a simple but profound way of shifting your mindset to embrace more optimism. It can improve your mood, health and wellbeing. It takes just 5 minutes in the morning & evening to write down a few things you're grateful for. This practice can help shift your focus from your worries and fears to the more positive aspects of your life. A perfect Sunday activity.
9. Connection (In real life)
Spend quality time with family or friends on Sundays. Sharing positive experiences and laughter can uplift your spirits and strengthen your emotional support system. Chat to a friend about how you are feeling, we are sure they can relate to this feeling. Get out into nature, go on a walk, breathe some fresh air. Spend your time wisely with people and places that boost your mood and reduce your anxieties.
You deserve to enjoy your weekend, they are days to rest after a week of work. The 'Sunday Scaries' can cast a shadow over your weekend but it's time to gain back control and transform Sunday into a day you look forward to. A day to prepare, relax, and recharge.
Face Mondays when they start instead of anticipating them the day before.
Some 'Sunday Scaries' affirmations we love are:
Mondays are never as bad as they seem
I am grateful for the day to recharge before my week starts
I can face anything that comes my way this week
I deserve time to rest
I am looking forward to a new week
I am prepared and organised for the week ahead
I am taking charge of my life
Start your journey to beating the 'Sunday Scaries,' and the rest of the week will follow suit. You've got this! Download your FREE PDF "Beat The Sunday Scaries: Your Wellness Guide to Beat The Sunday Scaries" .