The Most Successful People In The World Do This...

The quest for success seems like a never-ending pursuit, with increasing working hours, a never-ending to-do list, and the struggle to find balance and prioritise your self-care and wellness actions. The idea of slowing down and taking a moment for yourself might seem counterintuitive...But how can you expect to show up for everyone else if you don’t show up for yourself?
There is a developing habit amongst today’s most successful people that we too practice daily and want to share with you... meditation.
Meditation is the process of training the mind to focus and redirect its attention and awareness to achieve mental clarity.
You go to the gym and exercise to train your body, but how do you train your mind? Similar to training your muscles, you must train your focus. The brain’s amygdala is responsible for our fight-or-flight reflex, causing a lot of our unhelpful actions or thoughts when dealing with a stressful situation.
Meditation enables us to take control of our thoughts by guiding our attention to the present moment, providing an escapism from our current worries. This allows us to respond to life's challenges in a calm and rational way, with increased clarity and knowledge. Logically, it makes sense! Practicing mindfulness gives you the space to quiet the noise inside your brain and escape to a place of solitude and peace. It is more than just a wellness trend, it has the power to propel you towards success and achieve your greatest goals... so it is no surprise that most of the worlds most successful leaders have become masters of this practice.
Steve Jobs claims that his success has been made possible because of the way he trained his mind through his meditation process. He used these techniques to unleash creativity, gain clarity and reduce his stress levels during his time at Apple. It allowed him to cut through the chaos of everyday life and release his vision, his vision of becoming a leading multinational corporation.
Meditation has been at the forefront of spiritual practices, but in recent years has reached new heights with many seasoned professionals and some of the most successful people in the world leaning into this practice for increased creativity and solitude. With benefits including:
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Mental clarity
- Enhanced focus
- Reduced blood pressure
- Boosted immune system
- Improved quality of sleep
Meditation has the power to increase innovation, as often our best ideas come to us in the quiet, still moments. Have you ever realised that your best ideas come to you just before you fall asleep when your mind is quiet? Or in the shower?... Well this is no coincidence, and YOU have the power to take control of your brain and turn down the noise through a powerful meditation practice. Never underestimate the importance of stepping away, clearing your mind and starting fresh. Starting your day with meditation provides you with the mental clarity to tackle the day and perform at your best, with increased mental clarity allowed better decision making, stabilised emotions and the motivation to achieve your goals.
Often people understand the benefits and acknowledge that they need to start meditating... you wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t interested in getting started on this practice! But often people sit in a silent room for 20 secs, close their eyes and expect their mind to be automatically clear... but as soon as a thought pops into their head they give up. Meditation is a practice dedicated to quieting the mind to achieve a heightened state of focus, awareness, and connection to your higher self.
Starting your day with meditation provides you with the mental clarity to tackle the day and perform at your best, with increased mental clarity allowed better decision making, stabilised emotions and the motivation to achieve your goals.
You deserve to feel empowered, you deserve to feel gratitude, you deserve to feel joy... and YOU have the power to enhance these feelings everyday by practicing meditation.
If you are looking to enhance your morning ritual, we recommend beginning your day with your gratitude journal, a 10 minute meditation, followed by reviewing your Head Plan Journal and prioritising a fulfilling and nourishing breakfast. These 4 habits in the morning are guaranteed to set you up for a day of goal-getting, propelling you towards success!
What are you waiting for? Find a quiet space, sit in a comfortable position, focus on your breath and begin your meditation journey.
PS. Did you know... We have a 30 Day Meditation Programme with Julie Skon available on The Head Plan App!
Join The Head Plan Community App HERE and begin your 30-Day meditation challenge TODAY!
Begin your journey today and unlock your full potential!
Let’s write it down & make it happen together...

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