The Unexpected Benefits of Journaling - Everything You SHOULD Know

Do you ever feel like your thoughts are in a constant spiral? You go from one day to the next without a clear plan? You feel unaccomplished and get caught up in other people’s plans? Do you ever feel like you are in the passenger seat, not the driver's seat? Well, you’ve come to the right place!
So... You’ve heard of journaling, and you might be familiar with some of the benefits... but you’re not too sure how or even why you should start?
In an increasingly digital era, where social media and quickly writing ideas in your notes app on your phone is often prioritised, people forget the myriad of benefits that come with taking pen to paper. If you are ready to find clarity in the chaos, peace in the pursuit and achieve everything you have ever wanted... welcome to The Head Plan.
Why You Should Be Journaling for Goal-Setting
1. Reflect & Progress
Without reflecting, you will never realise the methods you need to adjust and the things in which you need to alter to ensure you are heading in the right direction of achieving your goals. We recommend reflecting weekly in The Head Plan Journal by using our weekly reflection prompts. Not only does this encourage you to celebrate your wins and acknowledge the things you did well throughout the week, but it enables you to see the things that you could have done better, allowing you to make these changes and progress forward towards achieving your goals. You can essentially hack the system and discover exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals! How cool!
2. Clarifies your vision
Writing down clear, meaningful goals gives you a clear vision to work towards every day. Intentionally journaling and aligning your actions every day in The Head Plan Journal daily pages will fill you with an unwavering determination to achieve your goals. A clear vision enables you to make intentional decisions that will propel you towards your goals, as every decision you make is in line with the bigger picture.
3. Strengthen your weaknesses
Without reflecting and journaling you don’t get the opportunity to discover the areas in which you need to improve upon. This is why journaling is your secret superpower, it gives you the keys to unlock doors you otherwise wouldn’t uncover! Not only can you acknowledge your weaknesses, but you can create an action plan to work on these weaknesses, propelling you towards success. Journaling for self-discovery enables you to acknowledge your triggers and areas in which you may have limiting beliefs, allowing you to improve your mindset and challenge these beliefs.
4. Enhance motivation
There is no dopamine hit like ticking something off a list! Imagine achieving this feeling multiple times a day as you break your goals down into smaller, actionable steps in The Head Plan Journal and work to achieve these goals. Writing down your goals, creating your lists and marking your top priorities will motivate you to achieve these steppingstones and tick them off – hence ensuring you work on your goals every single day!
5. Make it happen
Without clear goals and an action plan it will be a lot harder for you to make it happen. How often have you dove headfirst into the working day without a plan, only to find you feel super unproductive and end the day feeling like you haven’t achieved anything? Journaling helps you pave a clear path and actively work towards your big goals and aspirations as YOU make it happen. Remember... small steps, everyday.
Different Types of Journaling
Reflective Journaling – Reflective journaling, which can also be known as free writing, is a method where your journal is primarily unguided, you simply pick up a pen and start writing. Often people embody this form of journaling when there is a particular topic or moment that they need to get off their chest and onto paper. This can be a powerful personal development tool as you enhance your self-discovery and personal development by noticing patterns in the things that trigger you or cause you stress. You may also choose to be prompted for this exercise, where you write in response to a prompt or question.
Tool needed: The Head Plan Blank Journal
Optional: The Head Plan Prompt Cards
Tip: Save 17% with The Head Plan Prompt Set
Journaling for goal-setting – Journaling for goal-setting is a powerful tool that can help you set and achieve your goals. Create clear and meaningful goals using The Head Plan Method and align your actions everyday as you plan your day intentionally, actively working towards your goals. As you break down your goals into weekly goals, and even smaller actionable daily steps, you ensure you are showing up for yourself every single day. Take 10 minutes in the evening to journal and plan out the following day, this is a sure way to set yourself up for success. Set your goals, align your actions, reflect on your progress and make it happen!
Tool needed: The Head Plan Journal
Gratitude Journaling – If you want to focus on gratitude and cultivate a positive mindset then a gratitude journal is exactly the right place to start. By taking these 5 minutes for yourself every morning and evening, you will experience an increase in both your happiness and your wellbeing. It’s often the smaller, simpler moments in life that we are most grateful for, so by creating the habit of slowing down, taking a moment to pause, and truly reflect and practice gratitude you will cultivate a positive mindset, full of gratitude for life’s simple pleasures.
Tool needed: The Head Plan Gratitude Journal
The Unexpected Benefits of Journaling:
Supports mental and physical health
You know how much lighter you feel when you get all your thoughts, worries and despairs out on paper... so it is no surprise that journaling has been scientifically proven to strengthen your mental health. Journaling provides a safe space where you can express your innermost feelings and thoughts, whether you choose to free-write in your journal, follow self-discovery prompts in The Head Plan Prompt Set or journal for goal-setting in The Head Plan Journal, journaling has been proven to strengthen your mental health and resilience.
Cultivates Mindfulness
Journaling is a powerful tool to cultivate mindfulness by focusing on the present moment and taking back control of your life. Journaling enables you to understand your innermost thoughts and feelings, and gain crystal clear clarity on your goals and aspirations, reducing stress and anxious thoughts. As you slow down and focus on the goal at hand, you enhance your ability to focus and be present, providing space for self-reflection and self-awareness. Dedicate 10 minutes every day for your chosen journaling method... put your phone on silent, remove all distractions and be fully present in the moment.
Strengthens Self-Discipline
Choosing to dedicate a set amount of time to journal every morning and evening strengthens your self-discipline. Choosing to show up for yourself in this way everyday places emphasis on the act of self-care and showing up for yourself. Writing down your goals also provides accountability for you to work towards achieving these goals and making them happen! Writing down your goals in The Head Plan Journal solidifies these aspirations and increases your unwavering commitment to achieve them.
Journaling is a transformative tool that can guide you towards clarity and focus and aids in achieving everything you have ever wanted. Beginning your journaling journey can often feel daunting, but our fully guided products designed by Co-Founder and Qualified Life & Wellness Coach Denise Kenny Byrne, ensures we are with you every page of the way. Pick up your pen, open your journal and start writing... TODAY!
You are the author of your own life story, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.
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