The Power Of The Mind With Denise Kenny Byrne

As a busy mam and entrepreneur, maintaining a positive mindset is one of the key things that not only gets me through the day but enables me to thrive through the day... I was recently honoured to be invited to speak on a panel alongside Greg O’Shea, chatting all things mindset. During this talk, I found both myself and Greg sharing so much wisdom, that I knew I had to share this wisdom with everyone outside of that room... which prompted me to write this blog.
Your mindset is essentially the lens through which you view the world, made up of your thoughts, beliefs and your internal dialogue. For me, mindset is something that I actively work on every single day to keep growing, keep learning and to show up as the best version of myself everyday. I do think it’s important to take a moment to say, every single one of us in life is on a journey. We’re all on a different path, dealing with different obstacles and challenges and just trying to be the best we can be. Although some days are harder than others and some days feel lighter than others, it is about learning to enjoy that wild journey called life despite the twists and turns... because although not every day is good, I promise there is good in every day. How you react and respond to the hurdles life frequently throws at us all it determined by your mindset. So, for me, mindset is about reframing and rewiring my brain (through a process called neuroplasticity) to look for the glimmers throughout the day.
Something I learned recently is that if you talk to someone for long enough, even the people who look like they have everything together, you’ll soon find that everyone is dealing with a different challenge in life. The thing that separates a few select people from the rest is their mindset and how they choose to cope with these life dealings. Recently, I have encountered some pretty big life challenges, but simultaneously I have had some of my most cherished life experiences, have been presented with opportunities that have been on my vision board for years and I have been actively working towards every day and have also created some of my most favourite core memories... all of which would not have been possible had I let those difficult challenges take over and cloud the rest of my days. Had I not worked so hard on my mindset to enable me to still attract these opportunities, I could have easily let these obstacles win. I like to think I have worked really hard at embodying a positive mindset, so that despite life’s curveballs, I know I am resilient and determined enough to overcome the challenges while still enjoying the everyday process. This is something I am still learning and will constantly evolve overtime, but through my Life and Wellness Coach training, the countless books and podcasts I have consumed, and my overall passion for both becoming the best version of myself and helping others on their journey too, I have found some super helpful tips and tricks to work on my mindset, which I can’t wait to share with you all.
Growth VS Fixed Mindset
The power of mindset is such a powerful tool, one that can change the entire trajectory of your life. The way you approach challenges, deal with setbacks and embrace learning opportunities can determine your path to success, and can be determined by your mindset.
People with a fixed mindset believe that their characteristics, values and systems are set in stone... they are predetermined and unchangeable traits. Have you ever heard yourself saying “that’s just the way I am”? Or “No I can’t do that”? This is an example of a fixed mindset. People with this mindset often shy away from challenges and avoid risks, remaining in their comfort zone for fear of failure, or due to limiting beliefs. This way of thinking will hinder both your personal and professional growth, as you won’t push yourself to learn or improve, simply remaining stagnant. This mindset is a lot more common than you might think... According to Carol Dweck, who pioneered the concept of a fixed vs growth mindset, people often lean towards a fixed mindset in certain areas of their life, such as education or hobbies. They believe there are certain things they are ‘good at’ and others they simply cannot and will never be able to do.
On the other end of the spectrum is a growth mindset. Personally, this is something that has come to the forefront of my own personal development in recent years as I realised the importance of embodying a growth mindset as an entrepreneur. A growth mindset is the belief that with hard work, determination and unwavering commitment, you can learn, grow, expand your knowledge and step into realms you never thought imaginable. This is about seeing challenges as opportunities, setbacks as learning curves and being willing to push beyond the feeling of being uncomfortable for a short period of time as you seek greatness passed your comfort zone. A growth mindset is what sets people apart from the rest of the pack... Nobody is born with all of the answers. Yes, some attributes might be genetically inherited, but a growth mindset opens you up to new opportunities, knowing you will get better overtime.
Life is not an easy journey, but it’s the realisation that although I consider myself to have a positive mindset, it doesn’t mean I don’t have bad days, it doesn’t mean I don’t go through periods of my own mental health slipping or feeling overwhelmed... but it does mean I have the tools needed to understand that it won’t last forever, and I can pull myself out of these blips. So here are some things I’ve learnt along the way on my own journey which I notice a direct correlation between these habits and the ebb and flow of my mindset. It’s really the understanding and belief that although yes I might be having a challenging day today, tomorrow will be better.
Quick Tips: How You Can Actively Work on Your Mindset
Writing it down: We all know how passionate I am about the power of writing it down. Personally, I use this method for so many various opportunities in life. I use my Blank Journal for free writing, sometimes prompted with The Head Plan Prompt Cards. Here, I offload anything I need to get out of my head and onto paper. If I have had a challenging day in work and I need to vent, I had a particularly tiring mam day, or there is something on my mind, I dedicate time to getting it all out of my head and onto paper. Normally, when written down, it feels a lot less overwhelming and more manageable. It enables me to learn a lot about myself, how I handle situations and potential triggers, so I can better manage them when they come up again in life. I am so passionate about journaling for goal-setting in The Head Plan Journal. THIS is how I stay on track to achieve my goals and live the life I am truly so content with. Every evening before I go to bed I spend time with my journal... I reflect on the day just gone, plan out the next day with all of my to-dos in accordance to my weekly goals, note any self-care and wellness actions I will do, track my water intake and keep track of any notes or appointments I have. I know I am probably bias, but I promise you it is the best investment you will ever make in yourself. Realising that YOU have the power to write it down & make it happen is the very first step to stepping into your highest power and achieving the mindset you have always wanted.
Gratitude: As I said, everyday might not be good, but there is absolutely good in everyday. Gratitude is a practice that forces you to pause and seek out this good. Naturally the human mind is trained to seek the negative during the day and allow that to create a cloud over the multiple small glimmers throughout the day. When you spend just 5 minutes every morning and evening, actively looking for the good throughout the day, you are effectively training your mind to seek out more good. Even though I actively practice gratitude, I constantly pause to reflect and make a conscious effort to live in the present tense, savouring every moment, I still make the time to actively practice gratitude twice a day in The Head Plan Gratitude Journal. There is something so powerful about dedicating just 10 minutes a day to writing down those key things you are feeling extra grateful for. I love my gratitude journal, it is so personal to me and whenever I begin to feel a little down in the dumps I instantly flick through my journal, reminding me of all of the positive things I am so fortunate to have in life... this will evoke feelings of content, happiness and satisfaction, immediately overclouding previous negative feelings.
Positive Affirmations: Every morning when you wake up, you can affirm how your day is going to be. If you wake up in the morning and the first thing you tell yourself is “I’m so tired”, the chances are you are going to feel groggy, tired and cranky throughout the day. The fun thing is, your subconscious doesn’t know if you’re lying to it... this is the secret to positive affirmations. You can trick your mind into thinking anything you wish to believe. If you wake up and pull a mantra from our deck of mantra cards from our collaboration with Roxie Nafousi, and you repeat out loud a mantra that says ‘I am excited for the opportunities that each new day brings’ or ‘I trust my intuition’, you can actually affirm to yourself that this is the truth. Overtime, your mind will truly begin to believe this and before you know it you have a whole new positive mental framework! Your thoughts are your home, make it a positive, happy place to be.
Hydration: Do you ever notice you’re particularly cranky and irritable? Ask yourself... how much water have I drank today? The answer is... probably not enough. If I don’t drink 2 Daily Drench a day, I immediately notice a difference in my mindset. I am easily distracted, I struggle to focus, I feel irate and moodier... the list goes on! And all because I didn’t drink enough water. It seems simple, but you would be shocked at the amount of people that try survive the day on tea, coffee and fizzy drinks. Water helps increase mental clarity, acts as a natural energy booster and even has the power to increase your mood! It really is one of the most powerful ways to support a positive mindset. Next time you feel a bit off, take 10 sips from your Daily Drench, and pay attention to your mental shift.
Curate your real life feed: Nowadays we are so exposed to social media, with people photoshopping their face and body, curating the perfect image. You also see this perfect life trend, with people solely sharing their highs, leaving so much room for comparison. You might see someone living their best life, but have no idea what’s going on behind closed doors. Roxie Nafousi, who we have a range of products with at The Head Plan, has a step in her book ‘Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life’ where she says you should turn envy into inspiration. I love this step, it clears so much up for me! If I notice feelings of envy or jealousy, I know I'm actually inspired by something that person is doing and I am recognising something within myself. Carefully choose what you engage with, both online and in real life. You are in control of what you consume, you can filter things out that no longer serve you. Use the mute feature on Instagram, spend your time with people who uplift and motivate you to become better everyday, pay attention to the cha, tune into what radio station you have on in the car... fill you life with positive moments and allow it to seep into your subconscious. Your diet isn’t just the food you consume, it is everything around you and everything you absorb. So remember, as much as you create your social media algorithm, you too can curate that algorithm in real life.
You have the power to change your own mindset. Every day, I intentionally work on my mindset, especially on the days I don’t feel like it!
The power of mindset is profound and truly transformative. Take the time for you, do this for YOU! Nobody else can do it for you... you are the only person that will be with yourself 24 hours a day, every single day from the day you are born. Many people may walk the journey with you, but nobody can walk it for you.
Life is hard, we all face challenges, but with the right mindset I promise you can overcome it all with ease. I believe in you... It’s time to
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